Credit Policy
Does your Credit Policy and Collection Activity match the Vision, Mission and Values of the business to the extent required? Be sure your Procedures, Processes and Practices are in proper alignment with the direction of the overall business and reflect the intention of the Board. |
Policies drive Procedures and these, in turn, drive your Processes
Outdated Procedures and Processes mean you are not driving Performance Improvement. Reviewing and keeping Processes current, and relevant, can save money and help increase Customer Satisfaction. Be sure you have;
Creditability® has developed our Special Purpose Credit Audit Program [Credit.DNA] that allows you to drill down to the Key Elements of your Credit processes. The outcome of this Credit Audit is a detailed report on the 'structure' of Credit, breaking down these Key Elements into levels of Risk [Urgent; Attend to ASAP; In Due Course; No Concern]. This provides a clear map of the areas requiring strengthening and identifying those to schedule for later review - we look forward to discussing these elements further with you. |